Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where did summer go?

My little B&B, now in its 12th year of operation, has just had its busiest summer ever. That's why I haven't blogged all summer! But I'm having a blessedly moderate week before the Labor Day weekend, and I'm determined to use my spare time to catch up on a few neglected projects.

Some projects are very pleasant, like the needlework I've done in the last week. Two or three years ago I found an attractive wool wall hanging at an antiques store and bought it for the Homestead Room. But the yarn was broken in a few small places, so it sat on my "to do" pile for a long time. Finally got out my sewing kit last week, made some careful repairs, and now it's decorating the west wall of the room.

A few months ago I inherited a very old wool patchwork quilt, made from men's suits. I thought it would look great hanging in the Homestead Room. It's in perfect condition, except that the edges had never been bound. So off it went to the infamous "to do" pile. Last night I stitched the last stitch on the binding (by hand, of course). Now to figure out how to hang it before weekend guests start arriving tomorrow!

In a couple of hours I will make my way out to the garden to give it some much-needed attention. Much of our summer was so brutally hot that working outdoors was just unbearable. But recent rains and a cool front that blew in at midday today have made for some pleasant gardening conditions. Looking forward to a lovely evening outdoors.

On a day like today you can really believe that summer is almost behind us and fall is around the corner. That means the fresh summer flavors we've been enoying--perfect melons, basil and chives, peaches and cherries--will fade into pears and apples, pumpkin muffins and gingerbread pancakes. I always try to use local and seasonal foods whenever possible. The changing of the seasons, for me, is marked as much by the foods of the season as the changing of leaves and grasses and temperatures.

I hope you'll come and share the season at the Tea Rose Inn B&B sooner rather than later.

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