Monday, January 10, 2011

First snow of 2011

Snow began falling Sunday afternoon and didn’t stop until late Monday morning. We have about six inches of beautiful fluffy snow blanketing the town. I wanted to wait until the snow stopped before I put on my parka and boots to shovel the porch and sidewalks. To my utter delight someone beat me to the job! I looked out the front windows to see my neighbor, his son (who used to be my neighbor), and their friend all scooping snow on my property. They seemed to be quite jolly while doing it. I’m thinking my thank-you will take the form of something baked.

There’s very little traffic today on the streets. I suppose most people are staying indoors, just as Baxter and I are. It’s very cozy here. The 102-year-old cast iron radiators are radiating away and the teakettle is steaming. The larder is stocked, so there’s no need to go out before tomorrow.

I hope you’re cozy and safe wherever you are. And I hope you’ll snuggle in at the Tea Rose Inn sometime soon!