Friday, March 18, 2011

Extra Special Guests

I love it when a family takes over the whole B&B. Right now I have a group here who has come to Hays to see their son/brother/uncle/brother-in-law compete in the Special Olympics. He has been competing in S.O. for about 40 years! This year he was chosen to be the last torch runner, so he got to circle the coliseum with the torch last night. By all accounts it was a moving occasion. I got to meet the athlete this morning when he dropped by with his father after his team’s first basketball game. They lost, but he considered the morning a success because he “played some good D.” I like that attitude. His family is so proud of their athlete. Some of them came from several states away to see him compete.

This, for me, is the best part of innkeeping. I get to meet so many fabulous people.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great read. Your inn seems very welcoming to families, and I'm sure they truly appreciate it. I like how the athlete had fans from different states go to support and cheer on the 40 year olympic veteran. I also like how he uses the same line I use when I have a losing day at the court; you can always take pride in a game if you play some good D.
    Love the article. My name is Marc, and aside from playing good defense, I also work for Bescover -- where we love all things B&B! It's a privilege being a part of your online community.
